Besides being a five syllable word suitable for tongue twisters, it is also an amazing new Flickr Feature.
There are lots of elements that make something 'interesting' (or not) on Flickr. Where the clickthroughs are coming from; who comments on it and when; who marks it as a favorite; its tags and many more things which are constantly changing. Interestingness changes over time, as more and more fantastic content and stories are added to Flickr.
I have had 8 photos in Explore, which makes me happy!

1. DSC_5768_edited-3, 2. 100_4278_edited-1, 3. DSC_2551, 4. DSC_1719_edited-1, 5. 100_0466abbb, 6. 100_0365, 7. 100_0008, 8. 100_0009
When your photos are featured, you may find out from comments others leave on them, but a really cool and efficient way of discovering which of your photos have been 'explored' is by using Flickr Scout, which also has a load of other fab flickr toys you can use, to turn your photos into a jigsaw, make a magazine cover, and tonnes more.

Flicr's "Interestingness" isn't new, its been around at least since I joined back in 2005 :D
Liking your experimentation with photoshop, some more than others, but its good to play around and learn (I hardly ever find the time to do any post-processing beyond stitching panoramas together),
slack---line (<-- flickr ID)
I think it's probably older than that. I've only just got round to posting about it!
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