A blog containing photographs, ideas, discussion and image manipulation tutorials from incurable hippie, a disabled photographer in the north of England. All this, plus inspiration from others' photographic work, and technical aspects of photography.

26 April 2009

RedBubble Activity

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Some news on my latest RedBubble uploads and features.

I have made 4 T-shirt sales!

1) Children Playing Stencil Art (on dark)

2) Sir Trevor McDonald" T-shirt

3) But You Don't Look Sick Invisible Disability T-shirt

4) Children Playing Stencil Art (on light)

I also had artwork and t-shirts featured in some groups.

1) "Be Kind" - Dalai Lama t-shirt (on light) was featured in the Current Issues group

2) "Be Kind" - Dalai Lama t-shirt (on dark) was featured in the Anticonsumerism group

3) My "Love Hearts" photograph was featured in the Food for Thought group

4) My The Eyes of Buddha photograph was featured in the Buddha group

5) My photograph of a subverted traffic sign, "Stop Eating Animals" was featured in the Art Action Union - Creative Activism group and the Anticonsumerism group.

6) My blueberries photograph was featured in The Woman Photographer group and Out of the Blue group.

7) My "It's a Girl Thing" photograph around breast cancer awareness was featured in the In the Pink group and was in the top 10 results of their challenge.

8) My Alternative Valentine's Card photograph was featured in the All About Hearts group.

In other news, I have had a burst of t-shirt creative activity lately!

It started with my Homophobia is so gay t-shirt which I have been meaning to design for ages, and now I have done I am really pleased with it. I hand-printed the words using a DYMO machine, then scanned, vectorized and then edited with photoshop.

Then I did a couple of disability themed t-shirts. The first is a response to ignorant people who think it's acceptable to ask a complete stranger what is wrong with them! The t-shirt answers: "It Was a Witch's Curse!"

The second disability themed one was almost the opposite - for people with invisible disabilities, who can find it difficult to be taken seriously. The phrase for that shirt is "But You Don't Look Sick!"

I created a pretty Floral Swirls t-shirt, and a mad Psychedelia one.

I then created "Twit twit twit twitter", for those of us who are twitter addicts! (I am incurablehippie on twitter btw!).

Then I was thinking about how everyone at the moment is raving about the 'Guitar Hero' computer game, but that I know increasing numbers of people who play the Ukulele... so I created an hommage to Guitar hero, called "Ukulele Hero"

Then I did some more silly and funny t-shirts.

The first was related to the saying, "Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue", including this photograph.

The second one, on a light background and a dark background, illustrates the phrase "I dream of the day when a chicken can cross the road without having its motives questioned".

And finally, a NSFW manipulation of a certain multinational coffee company's logo, "Starbucks Fuck Off".

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